
KEDD YouTube channel
CatCrazy YouTube channel, thank you, Petra!
Cat Roxy Rocker Kitty YouTube channel, thank you Adél!
Szilu YouTube channel, thank you, Lipóth Szilvia!
TopCatBreeds.com website supports us, thank you!
Thank you, Anna Dubi, for helping us!
All About Cats website supports us, thank you!
"BORKA és a varázsruha" YouTube channel supports us, thank you!
BionicBasil.com website supports us, thank you!
We thank the Road band for the donation!
​​​Thank you, Zorán, for your donation!
We thank the Hobby Zoo pet and pet food trade company for the support!
We thank the Nagyhegyesi Takarmány Kft, for providing us dry catfood every year.
We thank Dániel Nasz YouTuber for his donation!
We thank Aida vagyok YouTuber for sending us a lot of catfood!