Her name is Bársonyka. She is just 3 months old. Both of her legs were broken, and she also had a life threatening condition: traumatic diaphragm hernia, which had to be operated first. After that the femoral fractures were fixed with another long surgical operation. After reconvalescence, the stitches were removed, she is fine at the moment. The operations and the health care costed us ~400 USD.

NEUTERING is the only way of prevention in the long run! We periodically organize sterilization campaigns if we have the money for that. To sterilize dozens of stray cats cost us a lot of money.

We have found these lovely babies on a street in a coffee machine box. The box was closed tightly. There are indeed cruel people! Fortunately the cats were healthy!
Our most heartwarming rescue cases
A dog attacked four cat babies, only these two survived. They are safe with us in the shelter. The two cats weigh just only 420 grams together!

This kitten had a pelvic bone fracture from an accident and she needed an urgent surgical operation.
She is well right now, but she needs a lot of care and support.

Poor Mia was found in a shoe box on the street. She was in a very bad condition. After several veterinary visits she looked better, she needed a lot of care and special diet. We tried everything, but after some weeks she gave up... :(

We are continuously looking for people who can adopt these velvet paws. It feels great if we are successful. Zserbó is adopted, finally she has a loving family.

We need to countinuously feed all the cats in the shelter. Many of them needs special diet which is quite expensive. We need support! Luckily sometimes people donate us a lot of catfood! :)

This little kitten was found by a police officer near a crowded highway. After a veterinary visit her eyes look much better by now.

Leo was brought in with cat flu and a skin disease. After some veterinary visits he has recovered, he is adopted by now and enjoys a life full of love.

We have a newcomer, she had an accident with her right limb, she needs continuous attention and care. She is looking for someone who could virtually adopter her.

This big boy is Pepe, he is very cute and friendly. He is looking for someone who would love him.
This cat has finally found a loving family.
This black kitty has an eye problem. We took her to the doctor, which costed 25$. Luckily we got a donation, which covers it.