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Cat in Basket

We rescue cats in trouble!
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We save wounded and ill feral kittens born on the street near Debrecen and Hajdúszoboszló (Hungary) since 2021. We are a nonprofit organization.

We provide temporary shelter for them, we currently care for and feed more than 50 cats.

We are full, but every day there are newcomers. 

We organize neutering campaigns.

We take cats to the vet for life saving surgeries and vaccination.

We are searching for people who can adopt the kittens.

We are struggling to feed so many cats with enough quality cat food.

Please donate so we can maintain our cat shelter or
send us supplies (catfood). Click here!

We appreciate even the smallest donation!

Many thanks for your help!

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Black Cat 2
Cute Kittens

1 $ = 1

One dollar is enough to feed one cat for one day.

Please click the Donate button below!


Szoboszlói Bársonytalpúak Menedéke Alapítvány
Acct. number:

OTP Bank

IBAN: HU98 1173 8084 2387 7447 0000 0000

Tax number: 19291499-1-09

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Vet Holding Cat
Cat :)


Welcome to the homepage of the Hungarian Velvet Paws Sanctuary Foundation. Our organization is registered in the TechSoup/CivilTech system as a non-profit organization.
This is not a cat shelter literally, rather a cat home
Ilona offered her own home for the cats, where they can roam freely, they are not in cages here. The cats (currently more than 50) live in the house together with Ilona's family, they can enter every room freely.

For example, there is currently an old white cat living in the bathroom, he needs a lot of care and special feeding due to his old age.

Ilona made this decision because there are many dangers lurking outside, for example they can catch a cold in winter or they can be hit by a car.

There is only 1 cage in the house, which serves to keep the new kittens separate from the older cats.

We have started as a small regional cat shelter in the vicinity of the second largest hungarian city Debrecen. Right now, people request our services even from cities in the other side of the country. We are aiming to go international soon. Our foundation is now entitled to receive the 1% of the tax of taxpayers (very common way of funding in Hungary), Because of this we need Your support! We believe in taking action with urgency and care to serve those who need us most. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of cats in need. It’s time to make a real change. We take of many little munchkins, it costs us a lot of money and resources. Currently we don't have the luxury to hire and fund professional homepage designers and webmasters to maintain and host a dedicated server domain. 

Everything we did so far is done only by volunteers. We can only rely on free services, so we have to compromise on the quality and loading speed of our website. We cannot count on fundings from Google Ads, we are too insignificant for them to be considered,  we can only count on your kindness...


Our Story

I've always loved animals, but I didn't have the opportunity to have one before. I created a cat group and we helped the cat NGOs together (with money and food). Then I moved to Hajdúszoboszló, where no one really cared about the fate of the cats. That's when I decided to create a foundation to help cats. My partner helps me in everything. 
Fortunately, more and more cat-loving people help us and thus we can help more and more cats.



Leave us a message

Address: Hajdúszoboszló, Fertő utca 122,

Magyarország (Hungary)

barsonytalpuakmenedeke at gmail dot com

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Bank account number: OTP Bank

Szoboszlói Bársonytalpúak Menedéke Alapítvány

HU98 1173 8084 2387 7447 0000 0000

Founder: Lajos Szabó

Manager: Szabóné Demeter Ilona


Tel.: +36 30 139 1514 (hungarian)

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